Developed with the Self-Management Resource Center
About The Thriving and Surviving with Cancer Self-Management Program
Congratulations! You have taken a big step toward managing your life with cancer. We are here to help.
Managing life with cancer is not easy. Cancer survivors want to have the best quality of life possible before, during, and after treatment. Dealing with physical and emotional problems can be challenging, especially when you are living with the uncertainties brought on by cancer, but you can do it! You can thrive!
This Tool Kit does not provide cures or miracles. Instead, it offers you information and skills that are helping cancer survivors lead fuller lives.
We hope that this Tool Kit contains most of what you need. We will not tell you what to do. Rather, we will give you tips and encourage you to try new things and to make the best choices for you. As with anything that is new, it may feel a bit awkward at first, but take it slow and easy. Try the different tools, then make corrections if necessary, to find what works best for you. Then over time, you will have your own set of tools to become better at managing your life.

So, let’s get started! The Tool Kit includes:
- - A booklet, which begins with a Self-Test that will help you decide where you want to focus. You might start by taking the Self-Test and then scoring it. Your scores will suggest places to start. It also contains Tip Sheets about specific topics that others have found key in managing their conditions, and illustrations to accompany the exercise audio program.
- - The latest edition of Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions written by experts in the field. Even more important—all the authors have chronic conditions.
- - A relaxation audio program with four different relaxation exercises. The first is only five minutes, for a quick start, and the others are about 15 minutes each.
- - An exercise audio program with three different levels of exercises, all of which can be done at home.
We suggest that you spend a couple of hours a week learning and practicing the new skills. There is no right or wrong, so explore to find what works for you to manage better.
You can order Thriving and Surviving with Cancer Self-Management Program directly from us. We offer discounts of up to 40% on bulk orders.