
Ellyn Satter, R.D., M.S., M.S.S.W.

Ellyn Satter, MS, RD, CICSW, BCD, is an internationally recognized authority on eating and feeding. She is an author, trainer, psychotherapist, and eating therapist with over 30 years' experience in helping people of all ages learn positive and natural ways of becoming competent with their eating.

Christine Berman, M.P.H., R.D., Jacki Fromer

Christine Berman, M.P.H., R.D., is a registered dietitian and the nutrition consultant for Marin Head Start, and the owner of Feeding Frenzy, a nutrition consulting and educational product business.

Jacki Fromer was a licensed Family Day Care provider for 10 years and program coordinator of Family Day Care training and support services at the Marin Child Care Council.

Valerie Sayce and Ian Fraser

Valerie Sayce is the physical activities educator at the Australian Arthritis Foundation in Victoria, Australia. Ian Fraser is the author of numerous handbooks for teachers. Both live in Victoria.

Josephine Connolly Schoonen

  • Losing Weight Permanently with the Bull's-Eye Food Guide

Josephine Connolly Schoonen, M.S., R.D., is a former spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and the Director of the Dietetic Internship Program at the State University of New York at Stony Book.


  • Losing Weight Permanently with the Bull's-Eye Food Guide

Liz Crocker & Bev Johnson

Liz Crocker's working career has included teaching, broadcasting, writing for newspapers and magazines, and running several businesses. She has owned and run a children's bookstore since 1978 and now has an environmental business with five stores across Canada. Liz has held leadership positions with a number of health care organizations and is Vice President of the Institute for Family-Centered Care.

Bev Johnson is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Family-Centered Care in Bethesda, Maryland. She is a nurse and a trustee of several organizations. She has provided on-site technical assistance and training to over 100 hospitals in North America and worked with the Association of American Medical Colleges on family-centered practice. She is the co-author of several books and the producer of award-winning films in the field.


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Kerry McGinn, R.N., B.S.N., O.C.N.

  • Informed Woman's Guide to Breast Health

Kerry Anne McGinn, R.N., B.S.N., O.C.N., is a certified oncology nurse at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco.


  • Informed Woman's Guide to Breast Health

Miriam Erick, R.D., M.S.

Miriam Erick, M.S., R.D., is a registered dietitian at The Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and an educational affiliate of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In 2012, she received an Award in Clinical Excellence 2012 from the Women's Health Dietetic Practice group.


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