Living and aging well with HIV: New strategies and new research - Living a Healthy Life with HIV

Author Allison Webel writes in the San Francisco Chronicle - Living and aging well with HIV: New strategies and new research

She talks about how people with HIV are living longer. That is great news. It also means they are living with unique challenges. How to age well? New evidence suggests that there are several simple yet vital strategies that can help. 

Her book, co-authored with Kate Lorig, Diana Laurent, and others, is full of these strategies - Living a Healthy Life with HIV, 4th Edition

A few of the rave reviews: 

"This is an essential guide that will allow long and healthy survival despite HIV; something we only imagined when this epidemic began. Highly recommended!”
—Paul Volberding, MD, UCSF Department of Medicine, Director of the UCSF AIDS Research Institute

"An excellent resource for patients as they, navigate living with HIV."
—Jason E. Farley, PhD, MPH, NP, FAAN, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

"The perspective of self-empowerment provided by this book will be helpful for people living with HIV."
—Kenneth Mayer M.D., Infectious Disease Attending and Director of HIV Prevention Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School


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